Features: The Keys to Strategies for Language InstructionWith an emphasis on the need for instructors to possess a wide variety of strategies, substantial time is devoted to modeling the kind of thinking that skillful instructors employ to decide how learning can best be facilitated. Each chapter includes the opportunity for readers to analyze sample challenging scenarios and think about different ways of addressing them. With a focus on strategies backed by the most current research, this book gives educators powerful ideas to make language instruction meaningful and purposeful.The Keys to Planning for Learning (Second Edition)Starting with an understanding of the 21st century learner, the authors establish a mindset for creating curriculum that allows learners to develop Intercultural Communicative Competence as they learn more about themselves, explore their communities and engage with the world. The authors explain and provide easy-to-follow templates to develop units of instruction and daily lessons that allow learners to explore mulitdimensional themes and essential questions that provoke critical thinking.The Keys to Assessing Language PerformanceProvides step-by-step guidance on how to design assessments, illuminates the process of designing rubrics that focus on proficiency and helps educators create assessments that motivate students to offer language samples that accomplish authentic purposes. School administrators will also benefit from the section that focuses on the impact of performance assessment on instruction and program design.The Keys to the Classroom (Second Edition)Amid all the ways in which teaching has changed, much remains the same. Learners still need to be meaningfully engaged with the language. Educators must plan opportunities for learning that are relevant for learners. Students must believe that teachers care for them as individuals. Language and intercultural skills are increasingly important in our global society. Teaching is difficult, and educators new to the profession need support and guidance.