This book is an expanded and modified version of the original book "Enlightened Capitalism: A Keynes Primer". This version has, as an intended target audience, those who have an interest in and some familiarity with the teachings of G.I. Gurdjieff. The modifications are an attempt to analyze how concepts from the Gurdjieff teachings can be seen as operating within our economy, specifically our macroeconomy. The macroeconomic model utilized in this book is inspired mostly by the discoveries of the economist, John Maynard Keynes, but also integrates more modern macroeconomic ideas. Hopefully, this analysis can help shed some light on the dichotomy of materialism and spiritualism. The two things are often portrayed dualistically, as being opposites and incompatible. However, the reality is, that both efforts to acquire material wealth and efforts to achieve personal, emotional and spiritual development, as well as personal gratification in life, are completely intertwined in almost all, if not all, human activity. This version of Enlightened Capitalism presents the same comprehensive and intuitive analysis of the field of macroeconomics, but adds to the discussion how, using Gurdjieff's terminology, one can analyze how macroeconomic activity is influenced by the level of consciousness of those individuals involved.
From the Author: I am a psychiatrist, and a "self-taught economist". The macroeconomic model that I introduce is my understanding of macroeconomics that I have developed over two decades, mostly inspired by the work of John Maynard Keynes. I am also a long time student of the Gurdjieff Work. There is no doubt in my mind that all aspects of my understanding of the material in this book, including those parts that are just describing macroeconomics, are, at least in part, inspired and influenced by my exposure to the teachings of Gurdjieff. For this reason, I thought it would be an interesting project to see if I could understand how Keynes ideas fit with the ideas of the Gurdjieff Work. This book is the result. - Daniel Bright M.D.