Kerkko Ketun kunnianhimo innostaa h?net j?lleen kurottamaan korkealle. T?ll? kertaa h?n aikoo rakentaa tornitalon, koska on saanut hankituksi vain pienen tontin kaupungin liikekeskuksessa. Suunnitelma paisuu ja ajautuu h?m?r?per?isille teille.
Riitt?v?tk? rahat ja rakennustarvikkeet? Kuinka kaupungin korkein tornitalo kest?? ketun aiheuttamat paineet?
Once again, Francis the Fox's ambitions get the best of him. This time he's set on building a high-rise tower in the city, where he has managed to buy a small plot of land. And when his colossal plans keep growing, Francis returns to his crooked ways.
How long will his money and building materials last? Could the tallest tower in the city collapse, along with Francis's dreams?