Have you ever told yourself, "I'll just keep my Day Job," because it's too late to work on my dream? Have you ever been told, "Keep your Day Job," because your dream is too big for others to believe in? Well, I've got great news for you. You can keep them both This book was written to inspire people who take calls about their business website, while on break at their day job. It's written for people who take vacation days from their day job to work on large entrepreneurial projects that require more time. It's also for the thinkers, the dreamers, and visionaries, who can't settle where they are, but keep working until they fulfill the vision for their life. No matter where you are in the process, this book is your road map to go the rest of the way. And if you feel completely lost, there is a locator section for you as well Join the conversation as we are "Keeping Our Day Job...And Our Day Dream."