KARACHI TO MALABAR is an odyssey of love that spans three generations across continents. This is a story that has a tinge of the author in an autobiographical mode through the narration.A work of fiction built on stories I have listened to on the long drives I have had with my father. He was candid, naked to the bone when he spoke and thats what I loved about him.
The story begins at Karachi, where Michael the brother of Junior Commissioned Officer with the British army visits him at Karachi. Still in his teens, he meets the most beautiful girl his eyes had ever seen. Was it a thunderbolt moment? Where did she come come from? How did she respond to that moment as his passion took wings to caress her hair in a gentle breeze and rest on her lips to her utter disbelief and immense joy. The battle was fierce, but they were outnumbered, sixteen of the team were captured by the Japanese and kept behind the enemy lines. With more coming in the next day and no clue of any rescue mission, it was the last supper day to them. Sleep had taken wings and in the make shift prison they lay looking at the sky piercing through the roof; after all they were ordered to be shot the next day and soul could travel without borders. All except Paul decided to see the sky. The feeling was intense and Paul could hear his hair turn grey one by one. It had a crackling sound that tickled. Zohal was pregnant when Michael went, never to return. Raising their love child she wows to herself, I'll have Mike one day, even if I have to search entire universe. The journey from the mystical mountains of the Himalayas where Zohal's mountain home is nestled to Boston where her grand child studies to Malabar where Salim, fianc of Xariah, grandchild of Zohal, was born forms the labyrinth that takes the story to the modern world. Salim Panackal Michael was the descendent of the early embracers of christianity outside the Jewish land. KTM an odyssey of love cascades through the hustling and bustling of Karachi to the quaint paradise of the Himalayas to the streets and pubs of Boston to the Mystic of Malabar. Entwining lives of Michael and Zohal its roller coaster of an entertainer that captures, love lust and forgotten dreams. This is My first book. Characters raw, some still hibernating is the womb of my mind will the second sequel. With all humility I place before you KTM an Odyssey of Love. It has a chip of me in it.