Just Us Three is based on a true story about the unbreakable bond between a puppy named Mickey and his mommy, Cici. Mickey has had knee troubles since he was a baby and assumed that he would have to keep this a secret in order to be picked from the pet farm. As a lovely girl approaches the farm to take a puppy home, Mickey did all he could to hide his problem to be picked from the rest. Little did he know, Cici had her eye on him all along. Strong-willed, he continued to push himself every day, but leaped too high and injured his weak little knee. Trying to distract the veterinarian from telling Cici his condition, Mickey soon realizes that Cici chose him knowing he had a weak knee as she, too, has a similar foe. Mickey learns that affection and love are greater than any indisposition and that people will love you despite your weaknesses. This story is meant to encourage kindness and compassion while embracing others in all their differences and loving each of our own.