Perhaps "Transactional Love" should have been the title of this book for it would describe more precisely the nature of the poetry between its covers. A psychological definition of transactional focuses on the interaction of an individual with one or more other persons, especially as influenced by their assumed relational roles.
These poems, written over a period of many years, explore many such roles: those defined by difference - man, wife; teacher, student; adult, child - as well as those defined by like, such as comradeship, friendship, even acquaintanceship. They are about human relationships. Thus, there are many different kinds of poems inspired by many different kinds of experience.
Yet if there is any unifying feature in this poetic potpourri it is that they are all driven by love - variegated love, love of many sorts, from sensual to platonic to spiritual. They are poems about people, to people, for people.
They are poems for you, my friend, from me.
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