Judgment Day extrapolates today's politics into a fictional near future world.where Americans suffer the legacy of today's ill-conceived policies, including a lingering, expanded Middle Eastern war.
Washington power brokers believe that Glenn Markley-a wealthy but politically na ve young businessman-can lead the country in a new direction. But the incumbent President draws on powerful allies to block this move.
Markley finds himself politically excised when he becomes the prime suspect in the brutal murder of his lovely young wife.
Pursuing a treacherous but determined quest for the real killer, Markley turns up a shocking connection between his wife's death and a bizarre presidential plot to manipulate a nuclear showdown with Iran for political gain.
From an old-girlfriend-turned-congresswoman with explosive inside information, murder investigators with personal agendas, a secret service agent who might turn against the President, to the disturbing apparitions of his dead wife, Markley can not always tell reality from fantasy or allies from enemies.
Fighting a stark deadline, Markley confronts a grotesque set of conspirators from Washington to Iran.and ultimately finds that only his actions can avert a nuclear strike at the heart of America.