This is an adventure of a lifetime for 12-year-old JP Max Rider. We all dream, children and adults, to make a difference in the world. This book depicts a life change that allows JP Max Rider to save the life of many vulnerable people, in this case, native Americans from the Illinois tribe. JP Max Rider could not even imagine how a huge difference he can make in his personal life, and most of all, the life of a few hundred strong Illinois Indians' tribe that is under assault from the rival tribe of Ottawa's Indians. The Ottawa's are cruel and heartless - all they want are small tokens, but most of all, blood of innocent children, women, and worriers of Illinois' tribe.
It is coming of age book for young adults who could identify themselves with JP Max Rider and his new experiences in finding a first, deep friendship and revelation about his ability to help others in the most bazaar circumstances that one could ever imagine. Reading of this book it is like a clich says, sitting on the edge of the chair and drifting away from the reality of this world into an experience of a century. And it is what young readers will find in this story that will stay in their memory for the rest of their life.