This sermon series for Lent and Easter draws on the rich imagery of rocks and stones in scripture. These powerful messages center around the compelling metaphor of stones (and our willingness to throw them) as representative of our sins.
As worshipers enter the sanctuary they are invited to pick up stones as a concrete symbol of each sermon's theme; then as the message concludes the stones are placed at the foot of the cross. When the stones disappear on Easter (just like the stone sealing Jesus' tomb), it's a vivid illustration of how the Lord also removes our stones of sin.
Each chapter includes several thought-provoking discussion questions to spur further reflection. With messages for Ash Wednesday, five weeks of Lent, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday, this is an excellent resource for Lenten midweek programming.
Molin takes us on a journey of prayerful and honest repentance -- a powerful and life-changing journey of celebration, of grace, of awe at the miracle of the empty tomb and the promise of life.... Pastor Molin is one of the best sermon story-tellers I've heard. But each sermon and every story also teaches a biblical text. These sermons are grounded in the living Word of God... (from the Foreword) -- Glenndy L. Sculley, Bishop's Associate, Minneapolis Area Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
We used the Journey of Stones as a Sunday Morning preaching series with some modifications. The book and series was a wonderful way to remind all of us that although we are weighed down with our own sins, as represented by the stones each week, Christ rolled away the stone that separates us from God at the resurrections and took the weight of our sin upon Himself. He took our burden on Himself and give us new life.Thanks for being willing to offer such an inspirational book.-- Pastor Jerry Van Auken
Steven Molin is the senior pastor of Our Savior's Lutheran Church (ELCA) in Stillwater, Minnesota. He has also served parishes in Oregon and South Dakota, and been an area director for the youth ministry organization Young Life. Molin is a graduate of Concordia University (St. Paul, Minnesota) and Luther Theological Seminary.