Witness a fantastic voyage through floods, fire, and storms. A valiant struggle against impossible odds. All performed by a perfectly ordinary, yet truly remarkable creation: the simple seed. But Journey of Life is more than a fascinating look at God's design for growing plants. It's also a wonderful picture of the most important voyage of all, the journey of the living seed of God's Word, taking root in human hearts. This highly acclaimed video urges us to examine our lives. And to look beyond present struggles to the promise of eternal life.
For more than fifty years, Moody Science Classics have unfolded the miracles of nature's mysteries while showing how the wonders of creation reveal the majesty of God. School-aged children through teens as well as parents and teachers will gain a fresh appreciation for the Creator and the intricate details of His handiwork, as presented in these award-winning programs.
The Moody Science Video series, awarded first place in the Educational Video Series category of the 2001 Practical Homeschooling Reader Awards, are wonderful supplements for teaching scientific principles in an easy-to-understand format and from a biblical perspective.
Spanish track included
Approximate running time: 40 minutes
Age group: elementary and up
Film date: circa 1985
Durante m?s de cincuenta a?os, Moody Science Classics ha revelado los milagros de los misterios de la naturaleza mientras muestra c?mo las maravillas de la creaci?n revelan la majestad de Dios. Los ni?os en edad escolar hasta la adolescencia, as? como los padres y maestros, obtendr?n un nuevo aprecio por el Creador y los intrincados detalles de Su obra, como se presenta en estos programas galardonados.
La serie de videos de Moody Science, premiada con el primer lugar en la categor?a de Serie de Videos Educativos de los premios pr?cticos para lectores de educaci?n en el hogar de 2001, son complementos maravillosos para ense?ar principios cient?ficos en un formato f?cil de entender y desde una perspectiva b?blica.
Pista espa?ola incluida
Tiempo de ejecuci?n aproximado: 40 minutos
Grupo de edad: elemental y superior
Fecha de la pel?cula: alrededor de 1985
Related Subjects
9 - 12 Years