Are you an Apostle to the new generation?
Joshua brings a new revival and leads a new generation into the promised land.
Just as Joshua did, you are to lead God's people into the place that He has for them.
But this will not be an easy task, because there are many things standing in the way. But if you are truly called to this, you will have a passion and a fire burning inside of you, and nothing will stand in your way.
You hunger to see the people of God brought back to the place that they are meant to be.
In this teaching Apostle Les shows you what you will face if God has called you to be one of His Joshua's.
Taking JerichoJoshua had to lead the people to take the city of Jericho. He did this in a completely different way, because God gave Him wisdom. If you are moving into this call, God will lead you and show you a different path.
You are to lead the church of God into a new era. You cannot do things the same as they used to be done and you cannot do this alone without His help.
The GibeonitesJoshua made a mistake with the Gibeonites. He became friends with them and did not ask of the Lord before entering into a covenant with them. But he learned to overcome this.
God's people have become friends with the world and allowed the enemy to sneak in. You as a Joshua are here to bring God's people out of the world, and into the promised land that God has for them.
The 5 KingsJoshua faced 5 kings who stood against him. You as an Apostle of God will also face these kings, and you will need to learn to overcome them in order to lead the people of God.
What are these 5 kings?
They are the system in the world that Satan has set up; a counterfeit to what God has set up in the Fivefold Ministry. You will learn in detail how to overcome these kings and bring God's people to a new place of peace.
RevivalJoshua brings a new era of peace and revival for God's people. But only after he has finished overcoming the enemy and leading them into the new place God has for them.
Then he will bring the people back to where they were, and they will be fully committed to God.
Completing The Work of MosesMoses brought the people out of Egypt, but he did not complete the work. Joshua will complete what Moses started and finally lead them out of the wilderness and into the promised land.
This will not be easy, but God has prepared you for it.
Are you ready to face this Joshua Apostle? Are you ready to raise up the new generation, and bring the church back to the place that it is meant to be?
Then this teaching is for you.
Sections in This Book:Section 1 - The Joshua Apostle
Section 2 - The Jericho Experience
Section 3 - The Anguish of Ai
Section 4 - Dealing With Gibeon
Section 5 - The Rest of Revival