Imagine your financial objective is to earn $100,000 each year. You aim to make $2,150 weekly or about $8,500 monthly. Let's assume that you don't deserve that privilege.Get very clear on the precise amount you want to earn, whether per week, month, or year. That's step one. This is one of the things you can do to train your brain to help you create that amount of money.
I am often asked this question: Can you train your brain to increasyour income?
And YES is the response. I can tell you my experience about how I first began to train my brain to help me earn more money.
And it all began with me defining particular objectives for the lifestyle I wanted to lead. And many years ago, when I was a very young successful businessman, my mentor told me that to attain my objectives, l must first have clarity on what they are.
now if you are e young fellow this book is designed for you, so you will know how successful self-made billionaires are doing it, and since am sure you want to be rich as soon as possible...