Elliott Christy, has provided an in-depth biblical perspective that addresses questions many have on the biblical legitimacy of the Catholic Church and its doctrine, which have a profound effect on the lives of many. But are the teachings of the church actually biblical? That is the focus of this unique examination of the church of Rome versus God's own words in the Bible. Ceremony versus scripture. I found this book to be thought-provoking as it closely examined the 1992 Catechism written by Pope Paul II and other traditional elements of the church when laid bare next to an open Bible. - David Christy
"The book is very informative, bringing up questions I hear Catholics ask all the time. He addressed those questions straight from the Word of God. Scripture is our final Authority. I found the book to accurately relate to my Biblical knowledge/understanding. I could relate to everything he said about the Catholic Church, its practices, and the people in the church versus the people who have come to a saving knowledge of the truth. The testimonies of those in the book are spot on." Ex-Catholic Rachel Turbessi
(With my picture next to this) The author is a fervent student of God's Word and a seeker of Biblical truth. While Elliott was born bi-laterally and profoundly deaf, this book clearly demonstrates how the Lord can use any of us; regardless of our circumstances, to glorify His name.