Jesus always was, He is and He always will be, for He is eternal. The complexities of this God-man are beyond our understanding, yet He made His message so simple a child can understand it: "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so."
He loved Kings and potentates, paupers and prostitutes. Nobody was too good or too bad to be beyond the reach of His love.
May your heart be stirred, your spirit lifted and your eyes enlightened, as you catch a glimpse of Jesus-every day.
About the Author
Gwen lives in Ottawa, Ontario with her husband Bill. She is the mother of four, a grandmother of twelve and recently welcomed their first great grandchild.
Bill and Gwen Prankard minister as a team in the Bill Prankard Evangelistic Association. In addition to their international healing and equipping ministry, they also lead a world wide media ministry, oversee extensive mission outreaches in Arctic Russia and Arctic Canada, are the pastors of Dominion Outreach Centre in Ottawa, Canada, and provide valuable teaching CDs, DVDs and books to inspire faith for healing.
Gwen is the author of Faith Lessons My Grandchildren Taught Me and Jesus-The Light.