When the teacher asks Jeremy to come in front of the class and solve a mathematical problem, all the other kids whisper to each other. They know that he'll get it wrong because he isn't as clever as they are.
The teasing and insult only get worse when they go to gym class where Jeremy isn't as good as some of the others. He drops the ball and misses the hoop, hence, getting called all sorts of names.
Luckily for Jeremy, he has a coach who knows how to inspire and he motivates him that there is something out there for him that he will be able to do better than anyone else.
At home that evening, Jeremy was watching TV with his parents when, suddenly, something clicked in his mind, exactly what he wanted to do when he would be older, and no amount of discouragement would stop him.
But will Jeremy manage to find his purpose in life and live out his dream? Or will he be laughed at and ridiculed by his classmates all over again?
Jeremy Gets It Right is a great story for young children which carries an important message of not giving up and to continue to reach for your dreams, no matter how hard and difficult it seems. I hope you would enjoy reading and getting the most out of it.