Je M'Accuse... (I Accuse Myself...), written by L on Bloy and published in 1900, is a blistering, unforgiving, and often hilarious attack on Emile Zola, the founder of the Naturalist movement of French literature, famous internationally for his participation in the Dreyfus Affair through an open letter, "J'Accuse... ", which he addressed to F lix Faure, then President of the French Third Republic, and which was published (in 1898) on the front page of Aurore magazine. Je M'Accuse... is also a scathing attack on, and criticism of, two of Zola's (then) recent novels, Lourdes and Fecundity.
Lovers of Zola will find little to appreciate here, but admirers of Bloy will be rolling on the floor laughing. Staunch, satirical, atrabilious, and intransigent Catholic writer, L on Bloy, -- always ready for a good (literary) fight, -- enters into the ring punching, against Zola and for Catholicism.