This book follows the pathway through my life from early childhood to my senior years. It emphasizes the importance of serving others - especially those who are hurting in so many ways. This important attitude was handed down to me by my father and mother. They both totally dedicated their lives to helping those in need. This was their lifetime calling from Almighty God and also my lifetime calling from the same Almighty God.
My wife and I spent several years coordinating Lay Witness Missions from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the southern Texas border to the Canadian border. We have served as Certified Lay Speakers in the United Methodist Church, filling pulpits for pastors in their absence from 1991 - 2012.
In our senior years, we are involved with The Promise Mission who help support the homeless. My wife and I are truly enjoying our years of retirement as, side by side, we strive to serve our God.
As you read this book, it is my hope that you will find enjoyment and inspiration from our experiences.