Magda Elkadi Saleh's charming new collection of short stories illustrates that the differences between cultures are rarely canyons, impossible to cross; instead, they are usually tiny cracks easily bridged with a smile. Saleh shows you exactly how to address these kinds of issues and make sure that everyone feels heard and understood. Her gentle advice can be used among families with different cultural backgrounds, friends from different parts of the world, and strangers who simply want to understand one another a little bit better.
Saleh's stories all involve friends and family who encountered some kind of cultural misunderstanding in the midst of their day-to-day lives. Saleh and several of her relatives include anecdotes about differences in
languages and dialects, rules of hospitality, dining customs, dietary habits, religious celebrations, body language, concepts of time, methods of communication, family roles, and mourning rituals.Throughout each experience, Saleh shows readers how she and her loved ones broke through language and cultural barriers by using trust and understanding instead of sharp words and a frustrated tone. Her stories encourage you to approach new situations and relationships with an open heart, a patient mind, and a sense of humor.