In this you will find brief description as well as detailed description. The reason for this is only the demand of time. The things of 'Deen' (religion) which people are generally familiar with, or the aspects on which writers and speakers often emphasize, it was appropriate not to discuss them in detail. But the opposite is the case with religious ideas and problems, which people are generally very little familiar with and to which writers and speakers do not pay necessary attention, it was expected that they should be discussed a little more widely. Similarly, those aspects of 'Deen' about which people not only know very little, but the information they have is also not correct and their full importance is accepted neither from the point of view nor from the practical point of view., He had an inalienable right to be taken less of both detail and discussion about him.
I pray to Allah Ta ' ala and request you to say Ameen with sincerity on this prayer that this book fulfills the purpose for which it was written, it is a means of knowledge of Islam for common people and for this sinner Make the pathay of the hereafter.