When a seat is saved for us, a door is opened to a new learning opportunity.
Real life. Author Kristin S. Kaufman has had the good fortune in her life to have many seats saved for her--both literally and figuratively. In this final book of her Is This Seat Taken?trilogy, Kristin invites you to come along with her as she revisits the moments in her life when she discovered the unmistakable wisdom revealed through the "seats" in which she found herself seated, from an empty folding chair at her high school reunion to the most formative roles of her career. Real lessons. In this, her most compelling and deeply personal book yet, Kristin shares with you her own struggles and victories to help illuminate the powerful life lessons that reveal themselves through everyday experiences--but only if you know how to look. A call-and-response story. Kristin invites you on her personal journey, offering questions along the way to motivate and inspire you to discover the lessons in your own life, gained from experiences such as: