This book defines the famous author Franz Kafka's writing styles - but not from a critical, but an emotional point of view. This book is a milestone in the path of understanding people with schizoid personality. Also, it helps one read and understand Kafkaesque Style in a better way. If you are struggling from a Schizoid personality, you think you are stuck somewhere in a situation that only you can understand, then reading Kafka can definitely help you connect with your internal psychological conflicts.
This book contains only 3 chapters - each dealing with a different point of view. It will be quite interesting for a short read. After reading the first two chapters, there's a story that gives an exact idea of what Kafkaesque is all about. The whole book and entire content is dedicated to those who have a difficulty in expressing themselves to people. This book will give a deeper understanding of Kafkaesque Style - how to read Kafka's collections, how to write in Kafkaesque style and how to understand someone with Schizoidal Personality Disorder. Since the intention of the book was to serve there 3 main purposes, the book ends with an auto-fictional story - something that will help the readers understand the three purposes in a more detailed way.
The book contains only 2 of Kafka's main and most touching works - The Metamorphosis and The Departure. Emphasising on a more vulnerable personality trait - Schizoid, this book will help you understand yourself, and also see Kafkaesque Style through a brand new lens.
Written with love, hope, and immense emotional understanding, I hope my readers will love the first book from my rack. Happy Reading ❤️