God speaks to us in many ways and in Is God Shaking Up the World? author Adrienne H. Adam will help readers to develop a stronger relationship with their Creator.
In Is God Shaking Up the World? the many personal experiences shared by the author are in the hope of encouraging readers that they are not alone. For every negative circumstance you experience, you have God on your side, directing you and leading you out into the sunshine once more. Only God can heal you and give you a new life as you turn to Him.
For non-Christians, this book sends out a plea to contemplate where their lives are heading in an attempt to make that important decision to cross the threshold and accept Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
It is also an authoritative message for Christians to move forward, stop drifting and to not sit on the fence. As the Church age will soon draw to a close, there is no better time than now to go out and harvest souls.
Psalm 27:1
"The Lord is my light and my salvation - whom shall I fear."