This is an Erotica Story. 34000+ words, 180 minute Read. For Fairly mature (16+) audiences only.
Includes, but not limited to: Orgasms, Tentacles, Bondage, obedience
EXCERPT:Somewhere between Isaac's house and his own, Jacob finally gave out. The pain was soooo bad, every inch of his body hurt, and somewhere in the back of his mind he wanted to be like Kevin, and Isaac. Laying on the ground, trying to hold on to his sanity he wondered to himself what the hell happened when they left for their trip.
"Well did you get him into the hose?" asked Kevin over the phone. "No, but I did touch his arm, and I got him to rub my leg really well as he bolted for the door" said Isaac's wife. "Great! That means he is suffering really bad right now, and my hose thinks we should go look for him to console him and help him to deal with his withdrawal." "Is Isaac's conversion completed yet?" "Yes it is finished I helped him to find a leotard so he wouldn't be without any clothes, and he also agrees that we need to go and find him." "Ok, we will be there in about 10 minutes." Says Isaac. Isaac turns around to his wife and daughter and says "Lets go find Jacob, and help him accept his new master as we have". And with that they headed out the door into the evening.