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All the essentials of internal medicine in an instant
This concise, yet all-inclusive review is the perfect tool to prepare for primary certification and recertification exams, or for use as a clinical refresher. Its streamlined format conveniently condenses and simplifies the most important content, for maximum yield and comprehension -- making it indispensable for internal medicine residents, clerkship students, and busy practitioners.
Compact review of key board-type material that spans the entire spectrum of internal medicineCoverage that reflects the weighting of the ABIM exam and adheres to its blueprint--including interdisciplinary medicine, geriatrics, gender-specific health care problems, interpretation of the medical literature, and all major internal medicine subspecialities Insights from a team of leading academics and clinicians from the country's top medical schoolsStandardized, bulleted presentation that emphasizes key points of epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical features, differential diagnosis, diagnosis, procedures and treatment, prognosis, plus referencesNumerous clinical algorithms Chapter organization arranged by specialty