In his poignant memoir, Ken Ludmer, details his often raucous, always conflicted, and yet loving relationship with his mother. After sixty plus years of their epic battle, Ludmer and his Ma attempt to heal their wounds as he cares for her, following her broken hip at age 91. In the last eighteen months of her once brave and independent, world traveling life, they tell their stories to one another as they relive their battles in this American family life saga during the 40?s, and 50?s. Ludmer narrates his fun filled, adventurous hitchhiking throughout the USA and Europe in the 60?s, with hilarity and heartfelt honesty. His Ma is never at a loss for zingers.
Insanity Begins at Home shares the heartwarming and insightful true story of a therapist's struggle to survive his mother's relentless ways, as they come full circle in this disarmingly touching memoir.
?Ken Ludmer's zest for life shines through every chapter of the remarkable book. This is a great story which will strike a chord with anyone who has lived through the 60's and 70?s. and will make younger readers wish they had.? ?Maggie Cobbett, Author Anyone for Murder?; Had We But World Enough; Swings and Roundabouts. www. ?Ken Ludmer has had an extraordinary life. He's done amazing things. He's a larger than life character. The book is filled with much good humor, poignancy, truth telling and a huge heart. He is a natural story teller and these wonderful vivid chapters will touch your heart deeply.? ?Amy Ferris, Author, Marrying George: Confessions from a midlife crisis (Seal Press)2010. blog www.marryinggeorgeclooney, com Book: Dancing at the Shame Prom, Anthology, Seal Press (2012) co-edited with Hollye Dexter ?Ken Ludmer has the ability to renew a classical picaresque genre for contemporary readers. His book is a bitter sweet, often hilarious journey that betrays the author's grand reservoir of jouissance. His honesty disarms while touching the core of our being. If you are down, and lonely and nobody to talk to, grab this book, your dark soul will be revived.? ?Dr. Isaac Tylim the Buenos Aires Herald