When you read these teachings, you will enter a sanctuary where you are loved, understood, and patiently tutored in the art of living a genuine life. The Ascended Masters who speak in this book, have all walked the human path and speak candidly about what it takes to turn away from the distractions of the world to remember who we really are: powerful souls and creators of our own experiences. In these pages, Jesus and Buddha transcend dogma and join the poet Rumi, the dervish Shams of Tabriz, Divine Mother, Quan Yin and others, to cheer us on as we take the same steps they took to reach the joy that is at the core of our truth.
"Who are we that love you, offer you comfort and sometimes guidance? We are souls that constantly, incessantly, heartfully did not cease from reaching for God, from diving within, becoming not only the drop but the entire ocean."