While rhetorical devices may be used to evoke an emotional response in the audience, there are other reasons to use them. The goal of rhetoric is to persuade the subject towards a particular frame of view or a specific course of action, so appropriate rhetorical devices are used to construct sentences designed both to make the audience receptive through emotional changes and to provide a rational argument for a specific perception or direction.
There are large numbers of rhetorical devices but only certain rhetorical devices are required for effective communication. These devices are frequently used by politicians in their speeches or business executives in their presentations to persuade the listeners for their case. The master of these devices is able to create a magical influence on the mind of the receiver. This book aims to equip the readers with 63 of these rhetorical devices which can be used to get success in life.
The theme of this book is kept extremely simple. For each of the device a brief description is presented, followed by various examples. Readers can understand the concept and should use these devices in their daily communication to get mastery. It is important to understand that the specified rhetorical devices should be used strategically and optimally, as excessive use would blunt their impact.
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