Features hundreds of detailed, full-color illustrations and more than 900 high-resolution, cross-sectional radiologic images that together illustrate the fine points of imaging anatomy for new and experienced head and neck imaging specialists
Contains new chapters on external nose anatomy, the facial nerve in temporal bone, minor fissures and sutures around the temporal bone, and temporal bone anatomy on photon-counting detector (PCD) CT
Provides updated, enlarged images and captions in areas such as facial muscles and the superficial musculoaponeurotic system, and frontal recess and related air cells
Includes extensive new content on PCD CT; new details on relatively unknown anatomical foramina, such as the vomerovaginal canal and canaliculus innominatus; new content based on the International Frontal Sinus Anatomy Classification; and minute details on the course of nerves in the head and neck
Includes a series of successive imaging slices in each standard plane of imaging (coronal, sagittal, and axial) to provide multiple views that further support learning
Depicts common anatomic variants and covers the common pathological processes that manifest with alterations of normal anatomic landmarks
Reflects new understandings of anatomy due to ongoing anatomic research as well as new, advanced imaging techniques
Presents essential text in an easy-to-digest, bulleted format, enabling imaging specialists to find quick answers to anatomy questions encountered in daily practice
Includes an eBook version that enables you to access all text, figures, and references with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud