If your child has advanced past "A is for Apple, B is for Barn, and C is for Cow," you'll want to give them this alphabet book about farms.
Here are the farm words that are explored in this book, explained in rhymes and shown in pictures. All of the words in this book are words that real-life farmers use: AcreBeekeepingChicken coopDurum wheatEthanolFurrowGreenhouseHatcheryIrrigationJersey cowKibbutzLitterMulchNestlingOrchardPulletQuarkRotation of cropsSheep shearingTerrace farmingUpland cottonVertical farmingWeathervaneXeriscapingYieldZein
Unfamiliar words are given a guide to pronunciation.
The charming rhymes make it easy for your child to remember the facts.
True-to-life illustrations make it easy for your child to recognize farm objects and visualize concepts.
Each letter of the alphabet, and each farm word, is shown in both uppercase and lowercase.
This book is suitable for 4H Cloverbud and FFA members.
This book is part of "Eve Heidi's Alphabet Series."
Your little one will enjoy the rhymes and specially crafted illustrations-all the while learning about farms. Buy now