"I love eagles and beagles How do I explain?"
I can't get them out of my little kid brain.
"I want my own eagle to raise from a chick.
Or a beagle that loves when I teach him a trick."
A little boy dreams and dreams of having a pet of his own. He surprises his mom and dad by asking for an eagle Or a beagle What will their answer be? Will this little boy show them that he's ready to care for and eagle or a beagle?
This entertaining rhyming story, by Kathryn Lentz, will keep your child engaged while waiting to discover if the answer is yes or no to an eagle or a beagle.
Ten eagle/beagle facts, found in the back, will further educate young readers about these special and interesting animals. I Want an Eagle or a Beagle is a rewarding read for ages 4-8. Kathryn Lentz is also the author of Gramps the Awesome Otter, Millie the Marvelous Mini, Max With One Ear Up and One Ear Down and Sage the Very Smart Bear.