Debut title from Aniya Bala, promotes self-love and body positivity is a must have for young children. "I Love Myself," encourages children to love every aspect of themselves, from their hair down to their toes. The illustrations are drawn by Aniya's older brother Khalil Bala, who became an illustrator at 7 years old, when he helped illustrate 3 books with his father, Omar Bala.
Aniya's inspiration grew from her brother and father. She witnessed the duo complete three books, so she immediately knew she wanted to be an author and illustrator. "I Love Myself," has the potential to inspire young readers on many levels. Most importantly, it demonstrates that milestones can be achieved at any age and children can make a tremendous change in our world. Last, but not least, everyone is different yet unique and beautiful. "I Love Myself," is here to tell everyone, be comfortable with your body and always love yourself.