I ask my neighbor, "Will you be kind and share?"
But he refuses and does not seem to care.
Even if his choice makes me feel blue,
I still say, "I love myself, and I love you "
I Love Myself, and I Love You teaches children of all ages about self-love, unconditional love, and God's Love
The message of this book is universal. It is for every child, young or old
Children who understand self-love, unconditional love and God's Love are empowered children who grow up to be empowered adults.
This book introduces children to having a relationship with God. God's Love shines through us all.
You have been made perfectly, and you are here on Earth to love yourself and others.
Love is our birthright and our natural state of being.
May each person who reads this book find peace and solace in its words and message.
I pray that this book blesses each and every reader, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your purchase
I pray in gratitude for every tree that gives its life to become paper for this book.