One word describes what a timeless toy brought a little girl with special needs: freedom. It contributed to a little girl's self-esteem, confidence, and mobility. With her wagon, she was able to have fun and join in on all the activities a school day brings. Despite her physical limitations, she quickly learned that she could still do anything her friends could do differently. Although her hands were slightly bent and her legs did not allow her to walk, she became a motivated student, a playful friend, and an independent girl. With her wagon, she could do anything she set her mind to.
Una palabra describe lo que un juguete atemporal trajo a una peque a ni a con necesidades especiales: libertad. Contribuy a su autoestima, confianza y movilidad. Con su vag n, ella pudo divertirse y participar en todas las actividades que brinda un d a escolar. A pesar de sus limitaciones f sicas, r pidamente aprendi que pod a hacer cualquier cosa que sus amigos pudieran hacer de una manera diferente. Aunque sus manos estaban ligeramente flexionadas y sus piernas no le permit an caminar, se convirti en una estudiante motivada, una amiga juguetona y una ni a independiente. Con su vag n, ella pod a hacer cualquier cosa que se imaginara.