Assistant District Attorney General Susan Jackson was an excellent prosecutor and loved what she did. She was definitely a bright and shining star in the prosecutor's office. So, it was no surprise to friends or co-workers when, upon weighing all her options, she decided to run for the highest prosecutorial office in Davidson Country-that of District Attorney General.
Unfortunately, as she drove home from her office late one night, and as the election drew near, she was shot and murdered. Three years later, the investigation into her murder had turned cold. Law enforcement had no idea who murdered the charismatic young prosecutor.
Detective Andy Price, initially had nothing to do with the investigation. But, upon reading a newspaper article about her cold case, he decided to do his own investigating, hoping he just might be able to uncover who had committed the crime. As he begins his investigation, he not only must deal with difficult suspects, but he must also deal with a significant lapse of time since the crime was committed. he interviews suspect after suspect in his effort to determine a motive-a reason to terminate the life of someone so personable and so effective within her professional life. After months of investigating, the detective comes to a firm conclusion as concerns the identity of the murderer. Unfortunately, the issue then becomes whether he can remain alive long enough to tell anyone.