Angel is a junior at Mayflower High. His friends will all be graduating and he will have to wait until next year. His high school soccer team just cinched the division Championship from their longtime rival. All around him are celebrations and champions. Dreams to fulfill and challenges to overcome. His challenge he feels is too big. So big in fact he would rather move off his path in life (his destiny path) and let the tragedy define him. That is not the end of the story however, and in the end Angel takes his old name back and starts to live the life he is destined to enjoy. The path of destiny has laid out for him with every stone on which he is to tread, and many stones not yet visible.
The author lived a similar life and while she kept her name, everything else about the life she was chasing, crashed in. It was like a land mine planted in her path to destiny. She laid stunned like a sparrow ramming head first into a clean picture window. You may feel dazed, heart sick even lost. This story is told to let the reader know there is another power, greater than your own. It lies dormant in many functioning people, let alone those sitting in the dirt with a dazed outlook or maybe no outlook at all. That is the power Angel used. It is the same power you can find within yourself. I hope you will listen to Angel's story and re-write your own destiny.