Do you feel that you are not capable or are worth less than others due to being bipolar? Is your life spinning out of control because of being bipolar? Are you looking for a clear understanding of the struggles with anxiety, bipolar and other kinds of mental distress?
This book exemplifies and portrays real situations where you can monitor yourself and act proactively to overcome symptoms, creating a sense of self-worth and self- understanding. "I want to provide insights on the challenges brought forth by mental illness. I want to give hope to many because being diagnosed is not a dead end. It is the start of a journey that leads us to discover the marvelous structures of the mind. I believe a mind is malleable and can be trained." If you have never been diagnosed or you have a friend, a family member or a colleague that has struggled in any form with mental distress or mental illness, I hope this book gives you some insights on the way in which you can help. Having a support group filled with people that care and can monitor or detect any symptoms is crucial for our wellbeing.