Three years in the making. It all ends here---"With Odium's conquest for total domination nearing its conclusion, the Bates brothers, along with their fellow Citadel soldiers are grasping for a means to defeat the dark overlord. They've discovered the truth about Verenzibol, a mind-controlling gem, but can they uncover the secrets of their past?Finn Bates and Ron Bates know that Odium is connected to their childhood and that the truth behind the duo's missing memories has to do with the High Council.
Blood will be spilt. Wars will rage. Secrets will be uncovered, and this trilogy will come to a dramatic conclusion. The fate of the entire Known Universe rests in Finn and Ron's hands. Will Odium win and trigger the Ultimate Hypernova as his lord Verenzibol bays? Or will the brothers be able to stop this mad man once and for all?"
--------------------------- Paris Cavanah has sold over 800 copies and is quickly climbing the YA charts. She writes non-stop from the comfort of her Mission B.C home. Her passion for her craft is unparalleled and she prides herself in sharing stories about love, family, and overcoming personal struggles through her stories of heart-pounding fiction. More information about the author is available