Your author decided to write this book about human evolution after seeing a science program about evolution on kcet, the public service tv station in the los angeles area.
I was impressed with the amount of research going on in this area trying to find out where we, homosapiens, came from. I decided to use the google and yahoo search engines to find out the latest probes which i used for this book. I have included the many reference sources so the reader can visit these internet accounts to keep up with what is happening after this book is published.
You will learn:
Convince even the most stubborn person in the world and make him obey your commands almost blindly Make friends wherever you go - it's easy once you know a few "mind-tricks" that will make you likable anytime, anywhere.Get anyone to obey your commands so subtly that they wont even realize what's happening. Immediately gain control of any social circleEver since the human mind developed the capacity for thought, people have pondered not just the meaning of life, but the genesis of the world, the universe, and all the natural marvels and precious forms of life within it. To this day, all of these intricate subjects continue to be matters of great contention, and they are often best encapsulated in the debate between creationism and evolution.