You'll be excited that you can turn all your scribbles and ideas (or a blank page) into full-blown novels that you earn a living from!
If you don't plot your novel with your readers in mind, your story will wander around, take longer to write and you end up with an ending that is just...meh. And not the blockbuster ending you imagined.
You then have to spend even more time fixing all the plot holes and removing parts of your story you were excited about in order to make the story work or be somewhat believable to your readers. (We have been here, so we have felt the pain)
Would you prefer to spend years writing one book that you are not sure will sell or take a month getting your draft done that you KNOW will excite your readers?
With our proven method in 'How to Write a Novel from Scratch', we have removed ALL the obstacles and guesswork for you - you literally fill in the blanks in your workbook and write novels-fast!
We show you how to create character arcs that make your stories compelling and belong up there with the best.
When your 'How to Write a Novel from Scratch' workbook is filled in (with our helpful hints along the way), you can then EASILY write your novel without worrying about what comes next and if it will be good- it will be GREAT!
Struggling with an idea in the first place? - No problem, we all have all had writer's block at some stage, but we have you covered. In 'How to Write a Novel from Scratch', we will show you how to come up with endless book prompts to get you on your exciting journey.
There is no fluff, just actionable stuff!
This really is the complete guide to novel writing and would be great as a gift to any writer friend or family member who wants to know the secrets to a successful novel.
It is the most efficient way to write a novel from scratch - you now have the formula - with some secrets that we know the bestsellers do (we are particularly proud of this part!)
Start writing your killer book today!Related Subjects
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