Formerly known as a cloud kitchen or a virtual kitchen, this How to Start a Ghost Kitchen Delivery Service book give you a complete overall perspective on a ghost kitchen. To look deep before you leap and to save you time, revenue, resources, and from making first- timer's start-up mistakes. From author Hitachi Choparazzi's experience in a ghost kitchen, he will add value to start your ghost kitchen delivery service. From locations, menus, marketing, outsourcing, delivery services, niches, and franchising. While also using shared data and information technology. Ghost kitchens are the new-era wave of the restaurant industry. And by 2030 ghost kitchens will be 50% of the food industry space. Ghost kitchens are not just lucrative cash cows; it's a formula, system, and algorithm within its virtual kitchen and delivery success. This book will guide you with an overall educational start-up perspective. Simplified A-thru-Z in chronological chapters.
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