I am a middle-aged bloke, that has worked in many
different roles in my career.
I always got told, "I could sell ice, to an Eskimo,"
a general clich , given to someone, who can
communicate easily.
Why did I decide to write this book? Well, it's
because over time, not only have I seen many things,
been educated on many things, but I have been able, to
take bits and pieces and make it my own.
What I put in each chapter, is not the key to success,
but a guide; to help make you a success. Regardless of
what position you hold, or how long you have been in
sales or retail.
I have worked in telecommunications, hospitality,
transport, cold canvassing, telemarketing & real estate
to mention a few. In every position, I have held I've
been able, to sell quickly, hold a great close ratio and
always kept a customer happy and satisfied with their