The first act of worship in Islam that was required was salah, and there were no other forms of worship at the time. Three years prior to the Hijra, it became mandatory in Makkah. If all worship was required on earth, then Allah had invited the Prophet (pbuh) to perform salah in the sky. It is also referred to as Mi'raj. This night, the Prophet traveled with Jibril (May Allah be pleased with him) to the heavens, where they saw many wonders and attained a height that not even his traveler could.
Solat serves as a reminder of our ultimate goal and sense of meaning in life. We are made aware of the value of being thankful, patient, and persistent in our daily lives.Encourage your followers to pray and to practice it religiously. You won't need to give anything to us. We take care of your needs. And only (the people of) righteousness will ultimately benefit.
(Al-Taha, 20:132).
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