All over the world a growing number of people are viewing trading the markets as a valuable source of additional income or even as a new career option. Sitting in front of a PC, they are able to connect to their broker's trading platform and buy or sell on the world market assets of all kinds: gold, oil, shares, bonds, and so forth. Today, it is no longer a problem to "be short" on almost any class of asset. This book is an ideal guide on how to make money by fast trading. It will be especially valuable for those wishing to trade in their spare time with a limited amount of capital. Different styles of trading, including scalping, day trading, and swing trading, are clearly described, with advice on how to avoid common mistakes. In addition, the "Donkey" trading system - a system designed for everybody - is fully explained. Using this book, the reader will learn how to manage risk safely, maximizing the likelihood of success.
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