Dive deeply into the roots of your addiction, why it has been so persistent, and how to healthily address it.
Workbook includes free access to video content on this topic at www.howtolifegood.com.
Most people fight addictions ineffectually. They try to will their way into sobriety, shame themselves, or confess to others for "accountability." Although well-meaning, these attempts are often ineffective. Instead, the How to Get Over Addictions workbook addresses the issues from a different tact.
In this workbook (and accompanying videos), you'll be guided through the following topics:
- The True Costs of Addiction
- How You and Others Have Been Impacted
- The "Benefits" of Addiction
- Where Your Addictions are Rooted (where did they come from)
- How to Dismantle Your Addiction
- The Process of Sobriety
- Creating Clarity for Your Sober Life
If you are dealing with any of the following addictions, this workbook will help you get freedom:
- Pornography
- Alcoholism
- Drug Abuse
- Relationship Addiction
- Codependence
- Workaholism
- Tobacco
- Media Addiction
When you are ready to confront the REAL ISSUES driving your addiction, this workbook will help guide you into lasting sobriety.
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