EVER WONDER HOW TO GET INTO HEAVEN? - How To Get Into Heaven (The Prayer of Salvation) is a simple and inspirational book for anyone who wants to get into heaven or to help others get into heaven.
This book teaches you "how to" get into heaven; about the prayer that gets you into heaven; and answers many common questions about salvation such as:
- Why did Jesus die on the cross?
- What does "baptism" mean?
- What does being "saved" really mean?
- What is the Prayer of Salvation?
- Provides examples of "how to pray" the Prayer of Salvation with others
- Do's and Don'ts when we pray the Prayer of Salvation with others
- What to do when someone says "no" to prayer
- This book can also be used as an evangelical training tool in faith-based institutions to help others pray and explain the prayer that gets us into heaven.
- Churches - Bible Studies - Schools - Universities - Colleges - Church Retreats - New Member Church Classes
Book available in Spanish - C?mo Llegar al Cielo La Oraci?n De Salvaci?n