Directed drawing lessons that turn Sight Words into everyday objects Everyone can be an artist Just follow the 6 easy steps to draw 50 pictures Each new step is highlighted in red. Learn to draw animals, insects, food, transportation, people and more
Students will learn to write and read the most common sight words in English as they draw Each drawing also contains a simple to read sentence that ties the sight word to that picture, making learning so much easier
Step by step drawings for the following 50 sight words: a, about, all, and, are, be, been, by, call, can, come, day, did, down, each, first, for, had, has, her, him, I, if, in, is, it, just, little, look, made, may, my, not, now, of, on, over, see, so, some, then, they, time, up, was, when, who, with, you, your.