Multiple YouTube channels are available to provide additional and complementary instructions to assist with your goal of building an AK 47 from a demilitarized kit. However, because YouTube isn't an interactive video, it has its limitations.
A bit of online research may lead you to a group of local AK enthusiasts that offer hands-on classes that can be invaluable to the task. That said, this book is more than DIY assembly and disassembly instructions. It is a legal aid to keep you within the laws of the land, as well as a set of detailed step-by-step directions that takes you through a decision process of asking yourself: "Do I want to proceed with this project?" If the ultimate answer evolves into "Yes," then this book is an excellent stand-alone (or companion) aid in helping you with your objective of building your AK-47 from a demilitarized kit (or a "furniture-ready barrel assembly").