How To Be Happy Being You is a comprehensive guide for young adults and beyond, offering practical solutions for emotional difficulties, expert guidance from a seasoned psychologist, and a proven program to develop emotional intelligence. With 15 fundamental rules of anger, it helps readers overcome challenges, embrace self-acceptance, and strengthen communication skills using visual aids for an engaging learning experience.
This book provides solutions to tough emotional issues facing young adults In a world where anger, fear, and frustration can seem inescapable. How to Be Happy Being You introduces a revolutionary program designed to reduce anger and increase problem-solving skills. Using visualization, exercises, and illustrations the reader is guided through the confusing realm of human emotions to learn to address feelings and respond in a way that leads to self-respect and happiness.
Based upon a successful program developed by the author while serving as a psychologist and behavior intervention specialist for youth, it is a valuable resource to help young adults learn the skills they need to better manage powerful emotions.
We can learn to identify painful feelings, accept them, experience them-realizing they are normal-and understand there is a way to respond that is respectful of self and others. When feelings are identified, the best way to convey them can be determined. Expressing feelings in a healthy way strengthens communication skills and builds happy relationships.
This easy-to-read book includes evocative illustrations designed by artist Julie Cubiz to convey emotions we all feel. By learning and practicing the exercises presented, anyone-young or old-can learn to manage their feelings and gain emotional mastery.
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