Do you want to know how to analyze people and to best interpret what their behaviors mean? If yes, then keep reading...
People aren't as mysterious as we tend to think they are. We may wonder at some of the things they do and ask ourselves why we didn't see certain people coming. We may ask how a seemingly decent person can be something entirely different underneath that pleasant, normal veneer. But when we know who we're talking to, we're much better equipped to interpret the behavior of those around us more accurately and to be less surprised when people turn out to be someone else than who they lead us to believe they are.
This audiobook is a stepping stone on the path to gaining a better understanding of human nature. I hope you'll build on it, by applying what you learn in your everyday life, using it to more effectively your interactions with others, in order to be more successful in your relationships, your work, and your social life. There's another world under the masks we often wear as we move through the world. There's a storehouse of experiential information, emotions, culture, and unique knowledge offered by every person we meet, that can make our lives richer, fuller, and happier.
This book gives a comprehensive guide on the following:
The importance of analyzing peopleHow to analyze people using dark psychologyUnderstanding intentionsAnalyzing cognitive functionsAnalyzing people in dating and loveInterpreting behavior common patterns and analysisand more